About me

Hello, and welcome to my blog. Apparently, you have about 300 million to choose from, so the fact that you are here is remarkable in and of itself. It also means I have to answer the question of why you should care about me? Well according to my mommy I’m very special and important. No just kidding. The truth is I am just a regular guy trying to make sense of this big crazy world with one slight difference. I have Cerebral palsy.

Now when you hear Cerebral palsy (CP) you probably think of something along the lines of ABC’s “Speechless” and I have to give a brief shout out to ABC for taking on issues of disability in their programing. That being said CP just refers to any brain damage suffered either before birth (like me) or during birth. As with anything involving the brain this leads to a wide range of results. To put it simply no two of us are the same.

As a fiction writer I am far more comfortable exploring fantasy worlds or at least ones where I don’t talk about myself directly, but as any writer knows there is a lot of waiting involved in selling a manuscript. While I wait I thought I would use this blog to introduce the public to one of the least talked about minorities. I’ll dive into the day to day struggles faced by the disabled community at large as well as some of the tabooer topics without the shiny gloss present in some my fictional accounts like The Last Leaf of Fall (currently available on Amazon). Sorry shameless self-promotion comes with the territory of being a writer without a last name like Rowling. I promise I’ll keep it to a minimum if you will bear with me from time to time.

As a former teacher I am also big on accurate information and since I am not all knowing I will do my best to find experts for what I don’t know. I hope you enjoy going through this adventure with me.


Drake McCrary